The Importance of XPS Network in Athletes Preseason

3/14/2025 3 min. reading

Welcome to the second release in our series with Athletic Performance Partners. In this article, they’ll discuss how XPS Network plays a vital role in an athlete’s preseason preparation.

The preseason is a crucial phase for any athlete, as it sets the foundation for their physical, technical, and mental performance throughout the season. Arriving in optimal condition for the start of competition can be the difference between excelling or struggling with injuries and fatigue. A well-structured preseason allows athletes to progressively build strength, endurance, and agility while minimizing the risk of overuse injuries.

At Athletic Performance Partners, we rely on XPS Network as a fundamental tool to optimize training and performance. Developing our use on the platform allows us to efficiently plan, monitor, and adjust training programs to meet the specific needs of each person. Whether it’s preseason preparation, workload management, or athlete education, XPS Network provides us with the necessary resources to deliver high-quality training solutions.

Everything Starts with Good Communication

One of the biggest challenges during the preseason is ensuring clear and effective communication between the coaching staff (Head Coach, Assistant Coaches, S&C Coach, Physiotherapist, Doctor, Team Manager), and Athletes. With XPS Network, we can keep all information in one place, where we share calendars, training sessions, and real-time messages. This prevents misunderstandings and ensures that everyone is aligned with the team’s objectives.


Evaluations for Effective Planning

When we start the processes with individual athletes and with our teams, we like to have an evaluation protocol. This helps us to have updated information about the players, so we know their strengths and weaknesses. XPS allows us to have reference points throughout the seasons and at the same time show the information in a clear and simple way. 

Complete Customization of Programming 

Each player is unique (different ages, characteristics, court positions, roles, injury history, among other important parameters) and the preseason is the ideal time to prioritize physical preparation, as it provides the perfect possibility to develop quality of movement, strength, power, and conditioning before the demands of the competitive season begin.

XPS Network helps us to create highly individualized training plans to achieve each athlete’s specific needs. At the same time, the preseason is a time when we should work in a progressive and organized way. XPS gives us the possibility to easily show the volume and intensity of the sessions, as well as to differentiate them in the calendar using different colors and indications. 

Monitoring and Adjustment 

One of the important points during the preseason is to monitor how the players assimilate the impact of the training sessions. Many times we will work with players that we already know, but also with players that we are working with for the first time. Keeping a daily record of the internal and external load of the players as well as their readiness and feedbacks will allow us to adjust the plans if necessary, in order to achieve an optimal load that will help the athletes to perform at their maximum potential. 

Athlete Education 

In our experience, educating players is just as important as their physical preparation. A well-informed athlete is not only more effective on the court but also more capable of making decisions that enhance their career longevity. Understanding training methodologies, injury prevention strategies, and tactical concepts allows athletes to take ownership of their development and maximize their potential.

XPS helps us to create a comprehensive video library where, during the preseason, we can share exercises and explanations. Additionally, we can upload documents with information that we consider important for them and effectively lay the foundations for the season.

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