Everything in one place
- Planning & Management
- Monitoring & Evaluations
- Communication
- Tactics & Diagrams
- Video Analysis
- Collections
- Injury Management
Planning & Management

Build programmes for teams and individuals and plan sessions with ease
Generate a clear agenda for your players and staff for all types of events
Session Builder
Build team sessions & individual workouts and add all of the information you require, such as location, meeting time or coaches notes.
Be in control of your players' attendance statistics and injury reporting. Mark attendance in seconds using our mobile app.
Session Templates
Save time by building training templates of workouts that you can share with your athletes in just one click.
Monitoring & Evaluations

Monitor testing data, information and athlete training loads. Make data-driven coaching decisions
Analyse your data like never before. Build customised reports for individuals or groups.
Test Results
Access all of your testing data in one place. Upload directly to XPS from your GPS softwares or manually add results yourself.
Forms & Questionnaires
Create high levels of accountability with your athletes. Gain feedback, testing data and information from your athletes in seconds.
לא נדרש כרטיס אשראי

Keep all communications with coaches and athletes in one place
Messages Platform
Send messages in personal or group chats and stay in touch with your athletes.
Share in a Second
Share videos, animations, photos, documents or test results from XPS Collections or your own device in seconds.
Tactics & Diagrams

Recreate game and training situations with sport specific diagrams and animations
XPS Playbook
Build static diagrams or flexible animations in a user-friendly environment to illustrate your strategies across your network.
Sports Flexibility
Enjoy the Playbook's diverse range of sports specific drawing tools and field layouts
Video Analysis

Analyse your training and match footage using a variety of analysis tools. Instantly share clips across your network
Video Analyser
Watch your footage, analyse your performance, tag the key situations and give instant feedback to your athletes using XPS Analyser drawing tools.
Customised Tagging
Create customisable tagging formulas and highlight or filter video situations with ease. Import & upload coding data from other video analysers.
Presentation Builder
Build high quality video presentations using images, text fields, voiceover and analyser drawing tools.
לא נדרש כרטיס אשראי

Store all your know-how in one place and implement your coaching philosophy
Drill Collections
Build your own coaching library with content for your session planning and sharing amongst your coaches and athletes.
Exercise Library
The ingredients to building your workout programs and individual sessions. Including 2000+ exercises provided by XPS Network.
Documents Folder
Upload and securely store your documents & videos in one central place.
Injury Management

Report injuries, illnesses & assign treatment plans. Notify your coaching staff in seconds
Injury Reporting
Record injuries, illnesses & important medical information on your players. Create treatment plans, build rehabilitation programs and give detailed feedback to your coaches in seconds.
Training Status
View your players availability, injuries, return dates and overall team training status.
Seamless Communication
Notify your staff and athletes within a second.
Event Log
Access a complete overview of all current and past injuries, illnesses or treatments.
זה הזמן להתחיל
לא נדרש כרטיס אשראי